
Click Here to Enroll

In addition to completing the pre-enrollment information using the button above, the following documents will be required when you come in for your appointment to the WBSD Administration Building:
Proof of Residency Information
- Original Birth Certificate
- Immunization Record
- Health Appraisal for Young Five’s and Kindergarten students
Young Fives / Kindergarten Waiver (if necessary)
- Guardianship Papers (if necessary)

All documents must be translated into English for the enrollment appointment. Here is a link to a document that has information for translation services. https://www.michigan.gov/-/media/Project/Websites/sos/24lawensn/Translators_Resource_List.pdf?rev=b7fbea4a04144cca8ad18bd71460b71f

If your child has received specialized services, such as an IEP, a 504 plan, etc., please bring the most current one with you.

Young Fives / Kindergarten Only:

If your student is starting Young Fives or Kindergarten, click to download, print and complete the Health Appraisal Form.

Our Young Fives program gives children the "gift of time" to develop the social, motor and academic skills necessary to succeed in kindergarten and beyond.  A signed waiver is required for children turning 5 years old between September 1 and December 1 of this school year in order to attend both Young Fives and Kindergarten. Download and complete the Young Fives/Kindergarten Waiver Form here if your child's age falls within this time frame and you want them to start school.

Course Selection Information for Secondary Schools:

- Brownstown Middle School Counseling Department

- Woodhaven High School Counseling Department

 Health Forms:

Asthma Action Plan for Home & School

FARE-Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan

HIV Form

Medical Management Plan

Medication Prescriber Parent Authorization Form

Seizure Action Plan

Free/Reduced Lunch:

Food Services - Free/Reduced Lunch Information

Address Verification:

Street Code List - Verify that your street is in our school district

The street code list also indicates which elementary school building your child would attend. If you need assistance, please call us at 734-783-3300.