School Meals Application

Application for Meals

Please Note:  Parents are encouraged to complete and submit a paper copy of the meal application to the main office or complete an online application (both options available below) . All students should be included on the same application.

Online Application For School Meals (Preferred Method)

2024-25 Education Benefits Form

You may print off the pages of this application online. Page 2 should be completed and turned in to your school office.

Note: Applications are  available in additional languages upon request.

Free and reduced-price meal applications expire June 30 every school year. This means a new application must be filled out EVERY year. The only exception is for families that are Directly Certified by the State, in which case no application is needed (unless notified otherwise). The new Free and Reduced-price meal application will be available on the WBSD’s website beginning July 1st of each year, and in the office of each building in mid-August.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Joseph Uri, Director of Dining Services at 734-789-2088.

If you have more than one student attending WBSD, fill out ONE application only, and include All Students and All Household Members.

If the following describes your situation, a new application is required:

  1. Your family is new to the school district and had benefits last year – benefits DO NOT carry over from district to district.

  2. Your children received free or reduced-price meals last year because of low income.

  3. You have recently begun receiving state assistance and now have a case number.