Proof of Residency
Proof of Residency: A Parent/Guardian must enroll the child online. Once the registration is active in our system, you will be contacted to schedule an appointment to complete enrollment and turn in copies of the required documentation.
Proof of residency:
Valid Driver’s License/State ID
Primary Proof of Residency, one of the following:
Current Property Taxes
Current Lease (Occupants must be listed)
Closing Paperwork (within the last 12 months)
Supporting Proof of Residency, one of the following:
Utility Bill (Gas/Electric/Water)
Phone Bill
Cable Bill
Bank Statement
Legal Paperwork
Residency Affidavit (renewal is required each school year)
Owner of the residence needs ID and one of the top three
Parent needs ID and one of the supporting documents, second list
**Residency Affidavits must be renewed every year**