Wegienka Fundraising Programs

There are several ways you can help to raise money for Wegienka School...

  • Market Day - Simply sign-up and choose Wegienka for your school. This is an online food ordering program. There are many great items to choose from: meats, vegetables, seafood, breakfast items and more. The items are shipped once a month to our school.

  • Save Box Tops for Education from a variety of Betty Crocker items - be sure to tell grandmas, aunts and friends to save these for you. Each Box Top is worth 10 cents, so they add up fast.

  • Labels for Education - includes Campbells, Post, Glad, Goldfish, Bic, Swanson, V8, Dannon, Danonino and Danimals, Pepperidge Farm, Prego, Pop Secret and Hanes.

  • Coke Caps - Send in coke rewards - we have already earned a lot of items for our school, including nets for floor hockey, Legos, art supplies and outside balls.

Thank you for your support!